The Coves at Lago Vista

Corpus Christi, Texas

This unique 163 lot, 130-acre subdivision south of Oso Creek contains a 17-acre private “ski lake” for waterskiing and enjoyment of the residents that also serves as a storm drainage detention facility. The project incorporates a rather new concept in street layout design called “coving” with curve linear streets that slow down traffic speeds, minimize intersections and provide a much more aesthetic street vista with staggered house setbacks and a park-like feel. A portion of the subdivision is gated for security purposes and includes concrete streets that are privately owned and maintained by the Homeowner’s Association.

Project services included topographic surveying, rezoning, platting, water lines, storm sewers including drainage into the 17-acre lake. The subdivision is south of Oso Creek without the availability of wastewater service, so strict deed restrictions govern the design, installation and maintenance of private aerobic treatment units for each individual lot. Drainage calculations for an adjacent 160’ drainage right-of-way were completed and approved by the city and a 10.3-acre portion of a major City drainage outfall was dedicated adjacent to the tract boundary. A pilot ditch was designed and built along the edge of the subdivision.

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